Sat 21-September-2024

Agricultural activity

APN accomplishes “Revive Gaza’s Farmland” first phase with rehabilitating, cultivating 400 dunums

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) - based in Jordan - said that it has accomplished, in partnership with Gaza farmers, the rehabilitation and cultivation of about 400 dunums of agricultural land in Gaza (one dunum is equivalent to a thousand square meters) by planting vegetable seedlings.

Date-harvesting difficulties in Jericho and the Jordan Valley

The Palestinian dates harvest season is scheduled to start in Jericho and the Jordan Valley at the end of August and lasts until September amid expectations of an abundant season.

Gaza dates harvest season begins

Dates harvest season has started in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza Strip where there are thousands of fruitful palm trees.

Palestinians injured as IOF quells agricultural activity in Beit Dajan

Several Palestinian citizens suffered different injuries on Friday afternoon when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked an agricultural activity they organized to cultivate and afforest swaths of land in Beit Dajan village east of Nablus.

Israel bars Palestinian agricultural exports via Jordan

Israel's war minister Naftali Bennett has ordered a ban on the transfer of Palestinian agricultural products to Jordan the Occupied West Bank's only direct export outlet to the outside world.

Agriculture in Jordan Valley on verge of collapse

"The agricultural sector in the northern Jordan Valley is expected to collapse as a result of the recent measures taken by Israel regarding water distribution in the area. Palestine's rich "food basket" is heading towards an unknown future."

Tomatoes export from besieged Gaza to be suspended over price leap

The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture has announced its decision to block the export of tomatoes to markets outside of the besieged Gaza Strip for two days owing to the swift price hike.

Palestinian crops damaged by temperature drop

Heavy losses have been inflicted on Palestinian agriculture as a result of the freezing temperatures and stormy winds rocking the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Livestock sector in Jordan Valley: Heavy losses

The livestock sector in Khirbet Atouf in the northern Jordan Valley is suffering heavy losses due to the aggressive practices of Israeli soldiers and settlers as well as the neglect and lack of support by the Palestinian Authority.

Gaza Agriculture Ministry bans import of Israeli fruits

Gaza's Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday decided to ban the importation of Israeli fruits through Karem Abu Salem commercial crossing in response to an Israeli decision to stop importing vegetables from besieged Gaza.