Fri 20-September-2024

Aqsa guards

Israeli police arrest Aqsa guard ban him from entering Mosque

Israeli police on Tuesday arrested a Palestinian citizen working as a guard of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and banned him from entering the site for one week.

Israeli police arrest Aqsa Mosque guard allow settler break-in

Israeli police forces on Tuesday arrested one of al-Aqsa Mosque's guards and allowed dozens of Israeli settlers to desecrate the site.

Israeli police kidnap Aqsa guard

The Israeli occupation police on Tuesday kidnaped one of the Aqsa Mosque guards during his presence near al-Rahma prayer building.

Israeli police kidnap Aqsa guard

The Israeli occupation police on Thursday morning kidnaped an Aqsa Mosque guard in Jerusalem with no known reason.

Israeli police summon three Aqsa guards

The Israeli occupation police on Thursday evening summoned three Aqsa Mosque guards for interrogation.

IOF kidnaps Aqsa guard at checkpoint in J’lem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday afternoon kidnaped one of the Aqsa Mosque guards as he was traveling aboard his car at a military checkpoint in the north of Jerusalem.

Israeli police savagely assault arrest Aqsa guard

Israeli police forces on Thursday morning brutally assaulted one of the Aqsa Mosque guards outside the Bab al-Rahma prayer area in Occupied Jerusalem.

Awqaf Authority: Police assault on Aqsa guard “brutal and barbaric”

The Islamic Awqaf Authority in Occupied Jerusalem has strongly denounced the Israeli police for physically assaulting Aqsa guard Imran al-Rajabi on Friday.

Israeli police assault arrest Aqsa guard

The Israeli police on Thursday arrested a guard of al-Aqsa Mosque after severely beating him.

Israeli police arrest Aqsa Mosque guard

The Israeli occupation police on Thursday morning arrested one of the Aqsa Mosque’s guards.