Fri 20-September-2024

Aqsa preacher

IOA bars Aqsa preacher Ismail Nawahdeh from entering J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) prevented Sheikh Ismail Hawahdeh preacher of the Aqsa Mosque from entering Jerusalem for the third consecutive week.

QB warns “Israeli occupation” of persisting in its violations at Aqsa

Al-Qassam Brigades the armed wing of Hamas has warned of a coming explosion in the face of the Israeli occupation state because of its persistent violations against the Aqsa Mosque and Muslim worshipers in Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel summons Aqsa preacher for interrogation

The Israeli occupation forces on Monday summoned al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Ekrima Sabri for questioning.

Aqsa preacher condemns Israeli attacks on Jerusalem people

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Sheikh Mohammed Husein on Friday condemned the latest Israeli aggressions on Jerusalem and the Palestinians living in the holy city.

Sabri warns against selling Jerusalem property to Israelis

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Sheikh Ekrima Sabri on Friday stressed that selling Palestinian property to the Israelis or facilitating the transfer of its ownership is considered an act of treason based on a fatwa issued by Palestinian scholars in 1935.

Aqsa preacher urges Palestinians to commit to national constants

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Sheikh Yousef Abu Sneineh on Friday called on the Palestinian people to hold on to national constants.

Hussein warns of Israel’s steal of Jerusalem property

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher and Mufti of Jerusalem Sheikh Mohammed Hussein on Friday urged the Palestinians living in Occupied Jerusalem not to sell their property to Israeli settlers.

Aqsa preacher: Israel attacks Jerusalem’s economy

Thousands of Palestinian worshipers performed Friday prayer at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem amid tightened Israeli restrictions.

Aqsa preacher condemns Israel’s ongoing attacks on Palestinians

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Yousef Abu Sneineh on Friday condemned Israel's ongoing attacks on the Palestinian people.

Abu Asnaina: US positions will lead to a dark future in the region

Sheikh Yousef Abu Asnaina preacher of the Aqsa Mosque has warned that a dark future will prevail in the region as a result of the recent US hostile positions towards Occupied Jerusalem and the Palestinian people’s rights.