Fri 5-July-2024

Arab world

Hamas hails Palestinian teachers’ efforts

The Hamas Movement has hailed the Palestinian teachers in the homeland and abroad praising their leading role in preserving the Palestinian identity.

The Arab world will never cease support for the Palestinian cause

Israel will not succeed in ending the Arab world’s support for the Palestinian cause member of Hamas’s political bureau Husam Badran said adding that the Palestinian cause will remain the central issue for the entire Arab world.

Hamas: We affirm our policy of non-interference in countries’ affairs

Hamas Movement stressed in a statement issued Sunday its well-known firm stances and policies of non-interference in the internal affairs of countries.

Hamas calls on Arab countries not to receive Israeli leaders

Hamas Movement has called on the Arab countries to boycott Israel and not to receive its “criminal” leaders following the International Criminal Court’s decision to probe “possible” war crimes committed by Israel.

Aqsa imam slams Arabs’ apathy over Israeli crimes against Palestinians

The imam of holy al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Muhammad Husain lashed out at the silence maintained by Arab governments as regards the Palestinian cause.

Netanyahu: Efforts under full swing to normalize ties with Arab world

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday evening said Israeli relations with Arab countries have been increasingly normalized.

Hamas: Invitations extended by Arab leaders to Netanyahu shameful

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri strongly condemned the invitations extended by a number of Arab leaders to the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu dubbing them a stab in the back of the Palestinian people.

Lieberman names ex-Mossad official as envoy to Arab world

Israeli war minister Avigdor Lieberman has appointed a former official at the Mossad spy agency as his envoy to the Arab world.