Sun 7-July-2024

Arrest campaigns

IOF raids homes kidnaps Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night and at dawn Monday raided several homes and kidnaped a number of Palestinian citizens including ex-detainees in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

IOF arrests Palestinian citizen in al-Khalil

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested a Palestinian citizen in al-Khalil at dawn Sunday the prisoners’ media center said.

Raids arrests in various areas of West Bank

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Wednesday night and at dawn Thursday a campaign of raids searches and arrests in various areas of the West Bank.

Over 30 arrests in West Bank Jerusalem 1948 occupied lands

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Monday night and at dawn Tuesday a large-scale campaign of arrests in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Arrest campaigns in West Bank Jerusalem 1948 occupied lands

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested on Sunday night and at dawn Monday several citizens including released prisoners in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

IOF arrests in West Bank and J’lem settlers attack in al-Khalil

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided on Saturday the cities of Nablus and Jerusalem while settlers carried out attacks in al-Khalil.

Israeli police round up 2000 Palestinians within two weeks

The Israeli police rounded up 2000 Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem and 1948 occupied lands within the past two weeks.

Israeli police continue rabid arrest campaign in 1948 occupied lands

The Israeli police arrested 70 citizens from various cities and villages in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories over the past 24 hours.

Large-scale arrest campaign in 1948 occupied lands

The Israeli police and the General Security Services (Shin Bet) arrested 165 Palestinian young men and women in 1948 Occupied Palestine within two days.

IOF launches large-scale arrest campaign in West Bank and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday night and on Tuesday morning launched a large-scale raid and arrest campaign of Palestinian citizens in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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