Thu 4-July-2024

Arrest campaigns

Sheikh Barghouthi: Israel’s arrests will not intimidate us

Senior Hamas official Sheikh Omar al-Barghouthi has affirmed that the recent Israeli arrest campaign against Palestinian national figures in the West Bank will not deter anyone from participating in the coming elections.

Campaign of arrests in West Bank and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched at dawn Wednesday a large-scale arrest campaign against Palestinians in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

IOF arrests several Palestinians in West Bank Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested on Tuesday several citizens during raids in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Campaign of arrests in West Bank

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Monday a campaign of arrests and raids in the West Bank.

Raids arrests in various areas of West Bank and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Tuesday night and at dawn Wednesday a large-scale campaign of raids and arrests in different areas of the West Bank.

IOF launches arrest campaign in West Bank

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested at dawn Monday several Palestinians during incursions in the West Bank.

Campaign of arrests raids in West Bank

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested on Saturday night and at dawn Sunday several Palestinians during incursions into various areas of the West Bank.

Raids arrests in various areas of West Bank and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Tuesday night and at dawn Wednesday a campaign of raids and arrests in various areas of the West Bank.

IOF arrests several Palestinians in West Bank Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched at dawn Tuesday a campaign of arrests in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Clashes erupted and several Palestinian citizens suffered breathing difficulty.

IOF arrests several Palestinians in West Bank and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested at dawn Friday and on Thursday evening several Palestinian citizens in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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