Fri 20-September-2024

Arroub camp

Israeli army rolls into Arroub refugee camp at nightfall

Heavily-armed Israeli forces stormed on Sunday evening the Arroub refugee camp north of the southern West Bank province of al-Khalil and chased down Palestinian protesters.

IOF breaks into Palestinian university arrests sick student in Khalil

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday broke into Palestine Technical University in al-Arroub camp to the north of al-Khalil city and arrested a sick student from an ambulance that was transferring him to the hospital.

Israeli forces attack Palestinian students near Arroub camp

A round of clashes broke out on Thursday evening between the Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian students at the main entrance to Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil province.

Israeli army closes off Arroub camp with metal gates

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday evening sealed off the main entrances to al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil province with metal gates.

Citizens ordered to halt construction of homes in Arroub camp

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday ordered Palestinian citizens to halt the building of two homes in al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil city in the West Bank at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Israeli settler runs over Palestinian girl near Arroub camp

A Palestinian girl was left wounded on Sunday morning after she was hit by an Israeli settler driving near the main entrance to al-Khalil’s northern refugee camp of al-Arroub in the southern occupied West Bank.

Injuries reported in clashes with IOF north of al-Khalil

Three Palestinians were injured during clashes that erupted Wednesday morning between Palestinian youths and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in al-Arroub refugee camp.

Clashes flare in Arroub camp as Israeli soldiers attack schoolchildren

Clashes broke out on Sunday morning between Palestinian anti-occupation youth and the Israeli army near the main entrance to al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil.

Israeli army closes northern entrance to Arroub refugee camp

The Israeli occupation army on Saturday closed the northern entrance to al-Arroub refugee camp in al-Khalil city with concrete blocks with no known reasons.