Sat 14-September-2024

Arson attack

Dozens of olive trees burned in arson attack by settlers

A horde of Jewish settlers on Friday set fire to an olive grove in al-Khader town west of Bethlehem destroying dozens of trees.

Israeli settlers set fire to mosque in al-Bireh

Israeli settlers set fire at dawn Monday to a mosque in al-Bireh City in Ramallah district and spray-painted racist graffiti on its walls.

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian lands in Nablus

A group of Israeli settlers on Saturday set fire to Palestinian-owned farmland destroying dozens of trees in Huwara town in the West Bank district of Nablus.

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian farmlands in Nablus

A group of Israeli settlers on Saturday set fire to large tracts of Palestinian farmland in Burin village in the West Bank district of Nablus.

Israeli settlers torch fields damage crops in Nablus

Jewish settlers from Yitzhar Settlement on Friday set fire to large tracts of Palestinian farmland burning down crops and trees in Madama village in the West Bank district of Nablus.

West Bank farmlands destroyed in Israeli arson attacks

Vast tracts of Palestinian-owned fields were destroyed on Friday in attacks by Israeli soldiers and settlers in the West Bank districts of Nablus and Jenin.

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian agricultural lands in Tulkarem

A horde of Jewish settlers on Thursday set fire to Palestinian fields and farmlands in Ramin town in the West Bank district of Tulkarem.

Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian farmlands in al-Sawiya

A group of Israeli settlers on Tuesday afternoon burned vast tracts of Palestinian-owned farmland in al-Sawiya village in the West Bank district of Nablus.

IOF sets fire to Palestinian farmlands near Yatta

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday night launched flare bombs over the eastern area of Yatta town near the West Bank city of al-Khalil burning tracts of Palestinian farmland.

Badriyin Mosque: 600 years of history attacked by settler gangs

South of Occupied Jerusalem on top of the mountain of Sharafat village the fire caused premeditatedly by fanatic Israeli settlers almost erased 600 years of Islamic history embodied in Al-Badriyin Mosque.