Mon 1-July-2024


Belgian city cuts ties with Israeli apartheid regime

The Belgian city of Verviers has become the latest city in Europe to cut its “ties with the Israeli apartheid regime” to “strengthen its support for the Palestinian people.”

MESA endorses academic boycott of Israel

The US Middle East Studies Association (MESA) officially endorsed the boycott of Israel academically on Wednesday in a resolution signed by hundreds of professors and scholars worldwide.

Noted US college supports BDS calls for boycotting Israel

The City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law’s Student Government Association passed a resolution on December 2 endorsing the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Zionist campus groups like Hillel.

Irish novelist turns down Hebrew translation of her book

Award-winning Irish novelist Sally Rooney has turned down an offer from an Israeli publisher to translate her latest novel "Beautiful World Where Are You" into Hebrew.

US campaign launched to block Israeli shipping worldwide

“Block the Boat” a coalition of American NGOs unionists and activists has launched a one-week campaign as of Wednesday June 2 calling on dockworkers unions around the world to refuse to handle loads of Israeli ships arriving at their ports.

BDS calls for more efforts to boycott and isolate Israel in 2021

The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement on Sunday called for intensifying the boycott campaigns against Israel in 2021 because of its persistence in persecuting the Palestinian people and occupying their land.

BDS Malaysia Condemns Impending Annexation of the West Bank

Boycott Divestment Sanctions Malaysia (BDS Malaysia) condemns in the strongest possible terms plans by Israel to annex large parts of the West bank.

US university panel recommends divestment from Israeli occupation

An advisory committee at Brown University in the US state of Rhode Island has formally recommended that the university divest from “any company that profits from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.”

Malaysia’s university boycotts Puma for supporting Israeli violations

Malaysia’s largest university Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has ended a sponsorship deal with global sportswear brand Puma over the company’s support for illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

BNC: Saudi soccer delegation’s visit “official normalization”

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) said that the Saudi soccer delegation’s visit to occupied Palestine at this particular time can only be regarded as “an act of official normalization” citing a decision by the Saudi team in 2015 refusing to enter the country.

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