Fri 5-July-2024


Hamas mourns deputy speaker Ahmed Bahar

The Hamas Movement has mourned deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmed Bahar who succumbed to serious injuries he sustained recently in an Israeli airstrike.

Bahar: Al-Aqsa core of Palestinian struggle against Israel

The acting speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Ahmed Bahar has said that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the core of the Palestinian struggle against Israel adding that the Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims only.

Bahar condemns PA arrest campaigns in West Bank

The acting speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Ahmed Bahar has condemned Palestinian Authority security services for escalating their arrest campaigns in the West Bank.

Bahar calls for supporting Palestinian prisoners at all levels

The acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmed Bahar has called on the Arab and Muslim countries to pressure the international concerned organizations to agree on practical steps to protect Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Bahar: The occupation has no place or legitimacy in Palestine

Ahmed Bahar acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has reiterated that Palestine from its sea to its river belongs to the Palestinian people.

Bahar hails UN for approving draft Palestinian resolution

The acting speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Dr. Ahmed Bahar hailed on Saturday the United Nations for approving a draft Palestinian resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel's prolonged occupation.

Bahar hails Venezuela’s parliament for adopting supportive motion

The acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Dr. Ahmed Bahar hailed on Saturday the Venezuelan National Assembly for voting unanimously on a resolution dubbed the “Agreement of Solidarity with the State and People of Palestine” on the occasion of the 74th Nakba anniversary.

Bahar condemns the IOF detention of MP Atoun

The acting speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Dr. Ahmed Bahar condemned the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) for the detention of the deported Jerusalemite deputy Ahmed Atoun after storming his house in Bethlehem on Friday.

Bahar reiterates Hamas’s adherence to Palestinian constants

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has reiterated his Movement’s adherence to the national constants including Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine the right of return and the liberation of prisoners.

Bahar appreciates the Iraqi rejection of the Erbil conference

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian parliament appreciated the Iraqi people presidency and parliament for rejecting normalization with Israel.

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