Mon 8-July-2024


Bahar slams Bahrain over its normalization deal with Israel

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has denounced the Bahraini leadership for its normalization deal with the Israeli occupation state stressing that such regimes and governments are the biggest losers from their relations with the Jewish state.

Bahar asks Saudi Shura speaker to intervene for release of detainees

Ahmed Bahar acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has appealed to Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh chairman of the Saudi Shura Council to intervene urgently to remove the injustice being inflicted on Palestinian detainees in Saudi Arabia and have them released.

Bahar calls for suing UN-blacklisted companies

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has called for taking legal action against the UN-blacklisted companies that have ties with Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Bahar calls on Palestinian people to rise up and defend J’lem

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PIC) has called on the Palestinian people from all spectra to be on high alert for the dangers threatening Occupied Jerusalem and its population and rise to their defense.

Bahar warns of explosion if Gaza siege not lifted

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has warned that the failure to lift the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip will lead to an explosion.

Bahar: Netanyahu and his fake entity will be doomed to demise

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has accused the Israeli government of dragging the region into a religious war because of its persistence in desecrating the Islamic holy sites.

Bahar: No security for the occupation on the land of Palestine

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has affirmed that there will be no security for the Israeli occupation state on the land of Palestine.

PLC calls for confronting Israel’s smear campaign

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has called for confronting Israel’s media smear campaign that target Palestinian resistance figures.

Bahar calls Bahrain workshop “conference of conspiracy”

Ahmed Bahar deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has described the Bahrain economic workshop as the conference of conspiracy and sedition.

PLC calls for Arab and Islamic efforts to confront deal of century

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has appealed to heads of Arab and Islamic parliaments the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League to pool their efforts to confront the US deal of the century.