Sun 7-July-2024


Bahar: March of Return became a strategy on the road to liberation

Ahmed Bahar deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has said that the March of Return rallies in Gaza has become a strategy on the road to liberation stressing that the protests will continue and develop.

Bahar calls for criminalizing normalization with Israel

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) on Wednesday denounced and called for criminalizing all the steps taken by some regional countries to normalize relations with the Israeli occupation state.

Bahar: Abbas’s new government “unconstitutional and illegal”

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has described the new government in Ramallah as “unconstitutional and illegal” and said it reflects a political fiasco.

Bahar: Abbas and his court cannot dissolve PLC

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) said that the Palestinian Authority (PA) constitutional court’s decision to dissolve the PLC was illegal affirming that the Council would continue to assume its duties and would convene on Wednesday to discuss “this serious decision.”

Bahar: Palestinian Central Council has no legitimacy

First deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmad Bahar on Sunday said that the Council will not recognize any new resolution by the Palestinian Central Council.

Bahar: Resistance groups will respond to Gaza border crimes

First deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmad Bahar on Saturday said that the Palestinian resistance groups will soon respond to Israel's killing of the Great March of Return protesters.

Bahar: Gaza will not pay political prices for humanitarian aid

MP Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has affirmed that there would be no political prices for any humanitarian assistance provided for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Bahar: Palestinians will never sidestep road taken by their martyrs

The Palestinian people will always follow the footsteps of anti-occupation martyrs to liberate their occupied land first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmed Bahar said.

PLC’s Ahmed Bahar receives Egyptian delegation in besieged Gaza

First Deputy Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Dr. Ahmed Bahar met on Wednesday with an Egyptian security delegation at PLC’s headquarters in Gaza city.

Bahar phones family of martyr Jarrar hails his heroism

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has phoned the family of martyr Ahmed Naser Jarrar who was killed by Israeli soldiers on Tuesday morning and hailed his bravery and fortitude.