Thu 4-July-2024

Balfour declaration

Qatar: Youth groups launch a Palestinian cultural week

Palestinian youth groups in Qatar have launched a week of cultural and awareness-raising events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Balfour declaration that led to the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe).

Palestinians protest in Gaza against Balfour Declaration

Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets on Friday to participate in a demonstration organized by Hamas Movement in Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip against Balfour Declaration.

Protest in Istanbul on centenary of Balfour Declaration

Groups of Palestinian Arab and Turkish demonstrators participated on Thursday evening in a protest organized by the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) in Istanbul on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration.

Aqsa preacher asks Britain to confess its historical crime

The al-Aqsa Mosque preacher Sheikh Mohammed Salim on Friday asked Britain to admit its "historical crime" and "ominous promise" to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

Protest at British Embassy in Kuala Lumpur against Balfour declaration

A group of Malaysian rights groups organized Friday morning a vigil in front of the British Embassy in Kuala Lumpur protesting against the century-old Balfour Declaration.

Israeli occupation forces suppress peaceful march

The Israeli occupation forces on Friday attacked the weekly peaceful march held in Ni’lin village west of Ramallah to protest Israeli settlement activities land expropriation and the apartheid wall.

Al-Quds Int’l organizes symposium on Balfour declaration in Malaysia

Al-Quds International Institution in Malaysia and the Institute of Excellence for Islamic Jerusalem Studies held on Wednesday at the University of Utara a symposium under the theme “100 Years after the Balfour Declaration…Hope or Destruction.”

Int’l Conf. of Resistance: Recognizing Israel stab in nation’s back

The two-day International Conference of Resistance Scholars which kicked off in Beirut on Wednesday slammed the British Government for its reluctance to apologize over the Balfour pledge saying recognizing Israel is the most shameful of all acts of betrayal.

Demonstration in Ankara asks UK to get rid of Balfour shame

The Turkish capital city of Ankara witnessed a protest demonstration on Thursday near the British Embassy on the 100th anniversary of Balfour Declaration which granted Jews a homeland in Palestine leading to the establishment of Israel.

Palestinians in WB mark 100th anniversary of Balfour declaration

Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank cities took to the streets on Thursday to mark the 100th anniversary of the ill-famed Balfour Declaration.