Sun 7-July-2024

Balfour declaration

Euro-Med: Britain responsible for century-long violations in Palestine

The Balfour Declaration which laid the foundation for the establishment of Israel in Palestine created a century-long series of injustice towards Palestinian rights the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor has expressed in a statement on the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

Will Britain ever apologize?

Britain in its official statements expresses pride over playing a major role in issuing a declaration that led to the establishment of Israel on the ruins of Palestine.

Adwan calls for int’l lobbying against Britain’s Balfour declaration

Head of Hamas’s refugee affairs department Isam Adwan has called for forming an international lobby group of legal diplomatic and media teams throughout the world to work on forcing Britain to apologize to the Palestinian people and atone for its mistakes.

Hamas calls for Intl. committee to oblige UK to apologize for Balfour

Refugees Affairs Office of Hamas Movement called for the establishment of an international committee in order to prosecute Britain legally and politically over the consequences of the Balfour declaration.

“Making of Balfour Declaration” report released by PRC

On the centenary of the Balfour Declaration the Palestinian Return Center (PRC) launched its latest publication titled "Giving Away Other People’s Land The Making of the Balfour Declaration".

IOF quells anti-Balfour march in Bethlehem

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday quelled a peaceful march staged by Factions Coordination Committee in Bethlehem in condemnation of Balfour declaration on its 100th anniversary.

UK calls for more waivers to accomplish Balfour declaration

The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson published an article in the Telegraph on Monday that he claimed to have written in the same room Balfour used a century ago to prepare the Balfour letter.

Hamas: Balfour Declaration crime of century

Hamas Movement on Tuesday described the Balfour Declaration as "the crime of the century" saying that Britain must apologize for it and compensate Palestinians.

UK celebration of Balfour Declaration insistence on historic injustice

Many analysts and politicians believe that the British government's announcement of its intention to celebrate the Balfour Declaration constitutes a denial of the Palestinian rights.

PRC releases Balfour Road movie

The Palestinian Return Center announced on Monday the release of the short movie “Balfour Road” which displays scenes of the tragic fallouts of the Balfour Declaration issued 100 years ago.