Sat 6-July-2024

Balfour declaration

British Labour leader refuses to attend Balfour celebration dinner

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has announced his refusal to attend a dinner in London slated for next Thursday with Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour declaration.

Hamdallah asks Britain to apologize for Balfour Declaration

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah demanded on Sunday that the United Kingdom bears its responsibility and apologizes for Balfour Declaration which granted the Jews national homeland in Palestine.

Al-Mezan Center calls on int’l community to revoke Balfour declaration

Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights said that the Balfour declaration has no legal or political basis calling on Britain to redress its historic mistake which “displaced the Palestinian people led to continued shedding of their blood and violated their right to their land.”

Maliki threatens to sue Britain for marking Balfour declaration

Palestinian minister of foreign affairs Riyadh al-Maliki has threatened to take legal action against Britain over its intent to mark the centennial of the Balfour declaration which led to the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) and the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Protest in The Hague at Balfour Declaration 100th anniversary

The Palestinian community in the Netherlands called for the participation in a protest sit-in before the British Embassy in The Hague on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Balfour Declaration which stipulated the establishment of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.

Palestinian forces call for large-scale anti-Balfour events

Palestinian national and Islamic forces on Monday called for organizing large-scale events in the Palestinian territories and abroad against the Balfour Declaration which anniversary falls on 2nd November.

Conf. to be staged over historical fallouts of Balfour Declaration

A conference over the upshots of the notorious Balfour Declaration is to be held on November 17 in Beirut by the Palestinians Abroad Conference in partnership with the Arab-International Center for Communication and Solidarity.

PRC calls for dissuading British gov’t from marking Balfour centennial

The Palestinian Return Center (PRC) has launched a large-scale campaign to send letters to embassies and diplomatic missions in London to brief them on the tragic impacts of the Balfour declaration on the Palestinian people.

PRC holds debate on Balfour declaration in Geneva

The Palestinian Return Center (PRC) on Monday held a panel discussion about the Balfour declaration on the sidelines of the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Palestinian campaign to raise awareness about Balfour declaration

The Popular Conference of the Palestinians Abroad in cooperation with other pro-Palestine groups has launched a popular campaign under the title “Balfour: Centenary of a Colonial Project.”