Sun 15-September-2024

Banishment policy

IOA banishes Sheikh Ekrima Sabri from Al-Aqsa Mosque for six months

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) issued on Thursday a ban order against the preacher of the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, blocking his entry into the holy site for six months.

Hamas: Israel’s decision to deny visas to UN staff reflects its arrogance

The Hamas Movement said that the Israeli foreign minister’s decision to cancel the visa of a UN staff member and also deny the visa request of another UN employee reflected “the Israeli arrogance, which is sponsored by the US administration.”

Israel releases thousands of Gazan workers into Rafah

3200 Palestinian workmen returned on Friday to the war-torn Gaza Strip after being deported by the Israeli authorities.

IOA extends ban on Nafisa Khuwais’s travel and her entry to Aqsa

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) extended on Wednesday an order banning Nafisa Khuwais a noted Jerusalemite activist from traveling abroad for an additional six months.

Israeli police banish four Palestinian teens from Old City of J’lem

The Israeli occupation police decided on Friday to banish four Jerusalemite teenagers from the Old City for several days.

IOA bans Awqaf guard two kids from entering Aqsa Mosque

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) banished on Wednesday an Islamic Awqaf employee and two Jerusalemite children from the Aqsa Mosque for different periods.

IOA extends travel ban on two noted Jerusalemite figures

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) extended on Monday travel ban orders against Jerusalemite activists Nihad Zighayer and Nasser al-Hadmi.

IOA banishes Jerusalemite activist from Aqsa for another week

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) extended on Monday an order banning Jerusalemite activist Ra’eda Sa’eid from entering the Aqsa Mosque for one week.

IOA banishes two Palestinian citizens from Aqsa Mosque

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in Jerusalem decided on Monday to banish two Palestinian activists residents of 1948 occupied Palestine from the Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli court banishes five Jerusalemites from Aqsa Mosque

Five Jerusalemite young men received on Thursday Israeli court verdicts banning their entry to the Aqsa Mosque until October 18 and ordering each one of them to post bail of 500 shekels.