Mon 16-September-2024


Palestinian Women Abroad Association announced in Beirut

Palestinian Women Abroad Association was announced in Beirut on Saturday in a press conference that concluded the Forum of Palestinian Women Abroad which was held on May 19-20.

Forum of Palestinian Women Abroad launched in Beirut

Forum of Palestinian Women Abroad was launched on Friday in Beirut with the participation of over 200 Palestinian women from Europe Jordan Turkey Gulf countries and others.

5 killed 32 injured in Ain al-Hilweh camp

Five Palestinians were killed and 32 others were injured in the clashes that erupted in Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon on Sunday according to the Lebanese National News Agency (NNA).

Hamas: Ein el-Hilweh security deployment “irrevocable step”

The Hamas Movement has described the deployment of a joint security force in Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp as “an irrevocable step” warning of obstructing its duties.

Hamas official injured in clashes in Burj al-Barajneh

The Hamas political official of Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp Haj Abu Khalil Qasem was injured on Friday after he was shot in the back while trying to stop the clashes that erupted in the vicinity of the camp.

Abbas offers Aoun the entry of Lebanese army into refugee camps

Lebanese media sources revealed that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas offered the Lebanese President Michel Aoun a suggestion stipulates the entry of Lebanese Army into all Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and handling security issues.

Baraka receives delegation from Nahr al-Bared

Representative of Hamas Movement in Lebanon Ali Baraka received a delegation of the new Nahr al-Bared Camp’s Assembly. He listened to their complaints about the delay in the payment of compensations for the damages resulting from clashes that erupted in the camp in 2007.

Germany donates €18 million for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

The German Development Bank (KfW) on Wednesday signed agreements with the UNRWA to provide the latter with a grant totaling EUR 18 million from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Hamas urges UNRWA to redress its service cuts in Lebanon

The Hamas Movement has urged the UNRWA to backtrack on the decisions it had made between 2015 and 2016 regarding the reduction of services provided for the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Christian figures call for protecting Jerusalem’s Arab identity

Christian religious figures have called for necessarily protecting the Arab identity of Jerusalem and its Christian and Islamic holy sites against Israel’s Judaization policy.