Sat 29-June-2024

Boycott campaign

Dozens of US NGOs ask Amazon & Google to end ties with Israeli gov’t

Over 40 US grassroots organizations have demanded Amazon and Google to revoke a contract they signed a few months ago with the Israeli military and security establishments.

Suwaidan calls for boycotting Arab firms having ties with Israel

Kuwaiti Islamic thinker Tariq as-Suwaidan has called for boycotting Arab companies and commercial entities that have established ties with the Israeli occupation to make them incur great losses.

US university panel recommends divestment from Israeli occupation

An advisory committee at Brown University in the US state of Rhode Island has formally recommended that the university divest from “any company that profits from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.”

Malaysia’s university boycotts Puma for supporting Israeli violations

Malaysia’s largest university Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has ended a sponsorship deal with global sportswear brand Puma over the company’s support for illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Boycott Campaign calls for boycotting Dubai expo

Boycott Campaign – Palestine (BCP) has called on the countries and parties that intend to take part in Expo 2020 in Dubai to boycott it and withdraw from it in protest at the participation of the Israeli occupation state.

BDS launches global campaign to boycott Puma

The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement has launched a global campaign to boycott the sportswear manufacturer “Puma” because of its sponsorship of the Israel football association which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Barghouthi lauds Irish ban on trade with Israeli settlements

Mustafa al-Barghouthi secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative has applauded Ireland’s senate for voting in favor of a bill banning the importation of products from Israeli settlements describing the step as a “European precedent.”

Palestinians in J’lem urged to boycott Israeli municipal elections

Palestinian national and Islamic parties and institutions in Occupied Jerusalem have called for boycotting the Israeli municipal elections in the holy city.

Boycott campaign condemns Indonesian delegation’s visit to Israel

The boycott campaign in Palestine has strongly condemned the intention of a delegation of the Indonesian Sunni Muslim Organization Nahdlatul Ulama headed by Yahya Staquf to visit Israel next week.

Boycott campaign slams Indonesia for granting Israelis tourist visa

The boycott campaign in Palestine has strongly denounced the Indonesian decision to accept tourism-visa applications from Israelis.