Sat 28-September-2024

Boycott campaign

Boycott campaign slams Indonesia for granting Israelis tourist visa

The boycott campaign in Palestine has strongly denounced the Indonesian decision to accept tourism-visa applications from Israelis.

Campaign to boycott Israeli medical products in Turkey

Palestinian doctors have launched a campaign aiming at boycotting Israeli medical products in Turkey.

Israel boycott restrictions thrown out by UK’s High Court

The High Court in London ruled on Thursday that the government acted unlawfully in trying to prevent local councils in the United Kingdom from divesting from firms involved in Israel’s military occupation.

Amnesty International: States must ban Israeli settlement products

Amnesty International launched a campaign Wednesday to press the international community to boycott goods produced in illegal Israeli West Bank settlement outposts

Palestinians urged to be committed to boycotting Israeli goods

The National Bureau for the Defense of Land and Resisting Settlement has called on the Palestinian people at home and abroad to be committed to boycotting all Israeli goods and products and support their national counterparts as a viable means of resistance against the occupation.

Petition demands Volvo to respect international law

The Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness) in Lebanon has called for participating in the signing of a petition demanding Volvo Group to respect the rules of international law.