Fri 20-September-2024


ACOHL calls on Israeli gov’t to end violations against Christians

The Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries of Holy Land (ACOHL) has called on the Israeli government to put an end to the persecution of Christians and the violations against their holy sites which escalated in recent months especially in Jerusalem.

Europeans for Jerusalem slams Israeli assaults on Christians in J’lem

Europeans for Jerusalem foundation has strongly denounced the Israeli occupation police for assaulting Palestinian Christians as they tried to attend Saturday’s Holy Fire and Easter ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Israeli police assault Christian celebrators in J’lem

The Israeli occupation police assaulted on Saturday morning many Christian worshipers as they were trying to enter the Old City of Jerusalem to celebrate the Holy Fire occasion.

Hamas condemns Israeli restrictions imposed on Palestinian Christians

The Hamas Movement has condemned Israel for restricting the number of Palestinian Christians allowed to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to celebrate the Holy Saturday.

Palestinian Christians decry Israel’s Easter restrictions

Jerusalem's church leaders condemned on Wednesday Israel's "heavy-handed" decision to restrict the number of people allowed to visit the Holy Sepulcher Church in Occupied Jerusalem for Easter celebrations this weekend.

Father Manuel Musallam calls for protecting Al-Aqsa

The head of the World Popular Organization for Jerusalem Justice and Peace Father Manuel Musallam has called on Palestinian Christians to organize massive demonstrations in support of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hamas condemns Israeli restrictions on Christian worshippers

The Hamas Movement and the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem slammed the Israeli occupation authority (IOA)’s decision to curb the number of Christians wishing to celebrate Holy Saturday at the Church of Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Jewish settlers assault Armenian Orthodox priest

Jewish settlers assaulted the Armenian orthodox priest Father Arbak Sarukhanyan while on his way to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Occupied Jerusalem a couple of days ago.

Israeli police attack Christian citizens in Jerusalem

The Israeli police on Saturday attacked Christian citizens in Occupied Jerusalem as they tried to reach the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to celebrate the Great Sabbath.

Father Musallam: Christians intimidated not to run in elections

Father Manuel Musallam a noted Palestinian priest and head of the World Popular Organization for Jerusalem Justice and Peace confirmed on Tuesday that several Christian candidates were subjected to intimidation to prevent them from participating in the elections.