Mon 16-September-2024


Mosques churches not spared in the Israeli aggression

The ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip has destroyed 17 mosques and one of three churches in the Strip over 13 days of aerial and artillery attacks which is described as a genocidal war.

Two settlers defile Orthodox Church in J’lem

Two extremist Jewish settlers stormed on Wednesday the Orthodox Church on Mount Zion in Occupied Jerusalem and declared their intent to stay in the place.

Jerusalemite guard foils Jewish settler’s attack on church in J’lem

A Jerusalemite security guard on Thursday confronted an extremist Jewish settler who stormed one of the churches in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Hamas delegation visits Church of St. Porphyrius in Gaza

A senior delegation from the Hamas Movement visited on Monday the Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza and met with Greek Orthodox Archbishop Alexios.

Mainline US Church says Israel “apartheid state”

The leadership of the American “United Church of Christ” (UCC) recently adopted a resolution at its General Synod denouncing Israel calling it an apartheid state and accusing it of using “imperialistic theology” as justification of its suppressive policies towards the Palestinians.

Settlers attack Roman Church in Occupied Jerusalem

Jewish settlers torched the entrance to the monastery of the Roman Catholic Church in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday evening and the church council accused Orthodox Jews of being behind this attack.

Theophilos sells off more church land for settlement project

The Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III has raised the ire of the Christian community in Palestine once again after he sold off more church property about 110 dunums of land to two Israeli companies seeking to connect a Bethlehem-area settlement with Jerusalem.

Palestinians stop Jewish settler from burning Church in J’lem

Palestinian citizens on Friday stopped a Jewish settler from burning the Gethsemane Church in Occupied Jerusalem and handed him over to Israeli police officers.

Hamas delegation visits Church of St. Porphyrius in Gaza

A delegation from the Hamas Movement on Tuesday visited the Church of Saint Porphyrius in the Gaza Strip and met with its officials.

High court okays Ateret Cohanim’s takeover of church real estate

The Israeli high court of justice has rejected the appeal filed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and sanctioned the sale of three real estate assets in the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem to the pro-settler Ateret Cohanim group.