Thu 4-July-2024


Clashes erupt in West Bank O. Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed different areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem which led to the outbreak of violent clashes at dawn Monday.

Clashes erupt during IOF West Bank raids

Clashes broke out throughout the West Bank after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed different areas overnight and at dawn Friday.

IOF kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank raids

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided different areas of the West Bank on Monday morning and kidnaped a number of Palestinian citizens amid clashes with resistance fighters in Jenin.

IOF storms Jericho clashes with local youths

Palestinian youths and resistance fighters clashed at dawn Sunday with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Jericho City.

IOF raids areas in W. Bank and J’lem kidnaps Palestinians

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped last night and at dawn Tuesday several Palestinian citizens in the West Bank and Jerusalem while local youths and resistance fighters confronted them in different areas.

Five Palestinians injured others kidnaped during IOF raid in Jenin

Five Palestinian citizens including a child were wounded and five others were kidnaped on Monday morning when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

Palestinian youths respond to Israeli violations stone settler cars

One Jewish settler was injured and a number of settler cars sustained damage on Sunday evening when Palestinian young men responded to Israeli violations in the occupied West Bank.

Several Palestinians injured in West Bank clashes

Several Palestinians were injured as clashes erupted in different areas of the West Bank early on Friday.

Dozens suffer from tear gas during clashes with IOF in Beit Ummar

Dozens of Palestinian citizens suffered from their exposure to tear gas on Wednesday during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in al-Khalil.

Five Palestinians wounded by IOF gunfire in Tulkarem camp

Five Palestinian young men suffered bullet injuries at dawn Sunday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Tulkarem refugee camp in the northern West Bank.