Sun 7-July-2024


Citizen killed others wounded by Israeli soldiers in Jenin camp

One Palestinian teenager was killed and five others suffered bullet injuries in violent clashes with Israeli soldiers in Jenin refugee camp at dawn Sunday.

3 Palestinians injured in IOF assault on Jenin camp

Three Palestinian youths sustained wounds at dawn Friday in violent clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in the West Bank province of Jenin.

Israeli soldiers storm Beit Fajjar town clash with young men

Violent clashes broke out at dawn Saturday in Beit Fajjar town south of Bethlehem after an Israeli military force stormed its neighborhoods and handed some young men summonses for interrogation from the Shin Bet.

Israeli police arrest two Palestinians after clashes in O. Jerusalem

Israeli police Friday afternoon arrested two Palestinian young men in the wake of violent clashes that erupted after Israeli police forces stormed al-Eizariya town to the east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Checkpoints in Bethlehem and clashes in Aida camp

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday set up checkpoints on the roads leading to villages in western Bethlehem province practically isolating them from the outside world.

Violent clashes erupt near Occupied Jerusalem

Violent clashes erupted Sunday morning between Palestinian students and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the main street of Beddu town northwest of Occupied Jerusalem.

4 Palestinian youths injured in Bethlehem Ramallah confrontations

Three Palestinian young men were injured with rubber-coated metal bullets and many others choked on teargas in the confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday in Taqu' town in Bethlehem province. A fourth young man was injured in the confrontations in a Ramallah village.

Violent clashes with Israeli soldiers in Rummanah town

Violent clashes broke out on Saturday evening between Israeli soldiers and local young men in Rummanah town west of Jenin city in the West Bank.

Overnight clashes with Israeli soldiers in Qaryut town

The Israeli army stormed late Friday Qaryut town south of Nablus and engaged in skirmishes with local young men.

Confrontations with IOF in Nablus

Confrontations erupted on Wednesday evening between Palestinian youths and the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) after the latter broke into al-Masaken al-Shaabiyya neighborhood to the east of Nablus city.