Thu 4-July-2024


16-year-old minor succumbs to Israeli-inflicted wounds

16-year-old Palestinian minor Faris al-Bayidh on Friday succumbed to Israeli-inflicted wounds the Health Ministry reported.

Israeli soldiers storm Birzeit town clash with young men

An Israeli military force on Monday evening raided an apartment building in Birzeit town north of Ramallah and a bank branch office down the building and clashed with local young men.

Overnight skirmishes with Israeli soldiers in Qaryut town

Violent clashes broke out on Friday night in Qaryut town south of Nablus after Israeli occupation soldiers stormed its neighborhoods.

Foreign activist boy arrested in IOF quelling of peaceful protests

Palestinian citizens and foreign activists choked on teargas after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled the weekly marches in the West Bank on Friday. Eyewitnesses said that a foreign activist was arrested.

Violent clashes with Israeli soldiers north of J’lem

Dozens of Palestinian young men suffered injuries during violent clashes on Wednesday evening with Israeli soldiers in Occupied Jerusalem.

3 Palestinians kidnapped by IOF from Qabatiya clashes rock Qalqilya

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Monday kidnapped three Palestinians from Qabatiya at the same time as violent clashes rocked Qalqilya province.

Palestinian dead in clashes with IOF across 10 flashpoints

A Palestinian civilian was announced dead Tuesday at the same time as clashes flared up with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) across ten flashpoints.

Renewed clashes in Nablus during PA security campaign

Violent clashes broke out once again on Friday evening between young men and soldiers from the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces in different neighborhoods of Nablus city.

Clashes shootout with PA security elements in Fari’ah camp

Armed clashes broke out on Thursday evening between young men and soldiers from the Palestinian Authority security forces in Fari’ah refugee camp south of Tubas city.

Palestinian lady killed in Nablus clashes between PA forces and gunmen

A Palestinian lady was announced dead at dawn Wednesday following clashes between the Palestinian Authority (PA) forces and gunmen in Nablus.