Mon 16-September-2024

Damon prison

Prisoners in Damon jail suffer from harsh detention conditions

Palestinian prisoner Nufoud Hammad has revealed that the female prisoners in Damon jail are exposed to ongoing maltreatment punishment and harsh incarceration conditions.

Palestinian women suffer from harsh conditions in Damon jail

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has called on local and international human rights institutions and women’s groups to intervene immediately to stop the daily violations the Palestinian female prisoners are exposed to in Damon jail.

43 Palestinian kids suffer from very poor conditions in Damon jail

There are 43 Palestinian children being held by the Israeli occupation authority in Damon jail suffering from harsh and inhumane incarceration conditions according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs.

Palestinian female detainees to go on hunger strike

A newly released prisoner has said that the Palestinian female detainees in Ramon jail will have to go on hunger strike if the Israeli prison service persists in maltreating and suppressing them.

IPS to provide public phone for female detainees in Damon jail

Asra Media Office said on Sunday that the Israeli prison service (IPS) decided to provide a public phone for the Palestinian women detained in Damon jail.

Commission of Detainees asks Red Cross to visit Damon jail

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has appealed to the Red Cross to delegate a medical team to examine the health of seven Palestinian female prisoners in Damon jail after they were tested positive for Covid-19.

Three female prisoners in Damon go on hunger strike

Asra Media Office said that three Palestinian female prisoners in solitary confinement in Damon jail started an open-ended hunger strike on Wednesday in protest at their isolation and their exposure along with other fellow inmates to assaults a week ago.

Israeli forces assault Palestinian women punish them in Damon jail

Israeli forces have savagely assaulted Palestinian female detainees in Damon jail and isolated a number of them according to an informed source.