Sat 29-June-2024

Deal of the century

Haneyya: Palestinians will undermine “deal of century”

Ismail Haneyya head of Hamas’s political bureau said that the Palestinians will trample underfoot the US-drafted "deal of the century" and former US president Donald Trump's announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

Haneyya: We turned down $15-billion offer to end resistance

Hamas has turned down a US$15 billion offer to end resistance give up Jerusalem and isolate Gaza from the rest of Palestine Ismail Haneyya the political bureau chairman of Hamas revealed.

Haneyya calls for forming Islamic committee to face Zio-American plots

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has called on the Muslim ulama (scholars) in the Arab and Islamic worlds to form a higher coordinating committee that works on developing and implementing a strategic plan to support the Palestinian cause against the Zionist plots and the US deal of the century.

Haneyya calls for joint strategy to face growing Zionist threat

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has called for a joint strategy that is based on all forms of resistance to confront the growing Zionist threat in the region.

Hamas slams new US designation of Palestinians living in J’lem

The Hamas Movement has condemned the US state department’s designation of the Palestinian population of Jerusalem as “non-Israeli citizens” calling it “another crime committed by the US administration against the Palestinian people.”

Aruri: Three courses of action to confront deal of the century

Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Saleh al-Aruri has outlined three courses of action adopted by his Movement to confront the US deal of the century including “the actions on the ground” and “the national consensus.”

Protest against US deal of century held outside Dutch Parliament

The Palestinian Community in the Netherlands and Dutch institutions staged a sit-in on Tuesday outside the parliament in The Hague to voice rejection of the US deal of the century and voice support for the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights.

US-Israeli committee works on making annexation maps

The members of a joint US-Israeli committee tasked with mapping out areas of the West Bank that Israel intends to annex as part of US president Donald Trump’s deal of the century (peace plan) have reportedly started their work.

EU meeting to weigh measures to counter US peace plan

The European Union (EU) foreign ministers are expected to state their position on the US peace plan known informally as the deal of the century during a meeting in Brussels on Monday amid Israeli attempts to thwart a European decision against the deal.

Erdoğan: US Middle East plan threatens regional peace

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday said that the US "peace plan" for the Middle East which is known as the "deal of the century" is nothing but a threat to the regional peace.

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