Fri 5-July-2024

Deal of the century

UN: Trump’s plan is lopsided to create a 21st century Bantustan

A senior UN rights official has described the US president Donald Trump’s peace plan on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as “a lopsided proposal entirely in favour of one side to the conflict and a one and a half state solution that will entrench occupation.”

Erdogan: Jerusalem is a red line and we reject Trump’s plan

Turkish president Recep Erdogan has reiterated his rejection of US president Donald Trump’s peace plan saying it destroys Palestine and entirely seizes Jerusalem which he described as a “red line.”

Malaysian groups denounce ‘Deal of Century’

A coalition of Malaysian organizations led by Al-Quds Foundation Malaysia under the name "Save Al-Quds" on Friday held a press conference in Kuala Lumpur to voice their rejection of the US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan known as the "Deal of the Century".

Kais Saied: Deal of the Century is the ‘injustice of the century’

Tunisian President Kais Saied on Thursday criticized the "Deal of the Century" the new US plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians calling it the "injustice of the century".

PFB rejects Trump’s so-called deal of the century

The Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB) asserts the importance of the Palestinian and Arab community uniting and doing their utmost to confront the Deal of the Century announced by Trump and Netanyahu.

IOF quells protest staged by students near Gaza border fence

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Thursday morning attacked Palestinian school students who rallied near the border fence in the southeast of the Gaza Strip.

Hamas: US plan “another conspiracy to liquidate Palestinian cause”

The Hamas Movement has described the US deal of the century as “the deal of shame” and “another American conspiracy to liquidate the Palestinian cause.”

Dozens injured as IOF quells West Bank protests

Dozens of Palestinians were injured on Wednesday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked massive protests in different areas in the West Bank against the "deal of the century".

Haneyya: Hamas rejects so-called deal of the century

The head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas Ismail Haneyya on Wednesday confirmed his movement's rejection of the deal of the century and any agreement or project that diminishes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

Corbyn warns against Trump’s plan urges gov’t to reject it

Jeremy Corbyn leader of the British Labour Party has strongly denounced the US president’s announcement of his deal of the century calling it “a threat to peace.”