Sat 21-September-2024

Demolition policy

Hamas: Israel’s demolition of homes reflects its bankruptcy

Hamas spokesman Abdul-Latif al-Qanoua has said that Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes belonging to families of martyrs reflects its bankruptcy.

Palestinians rally in Am’ari camp to protect house against demolition

A popular campaign to support the family of Abu Humaid announced on Wednesday the launch of an open-ended sit-in to protect the house of the family in al-Am'ari refugee camp southwest of Ramallah against demolition by the Israeli occupation army.

Israeli municipality razes Palestinian facilities in Jerusalem

The Israeli municipal authority in Occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday morning bulldozed Palestinian facilities in Beit Hanina town northeast of the holy city.

High court approves demolition of anti-occupation activist’s home

The Israeli High Court on Thursday approved the demolition of the home of the Palestinian youngster Ashraf Naalwa who is suspected of carrying out the attack at the Barkan industrial area in early October.

MP Abu Tir: Israel’s demolitions “a massacre against the Palestinians”

Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Abu Tir an exile from Jerusalem has said that Israel’s persistence in its demolition policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is a “new mass massacre committed against the Palestinians in full view of the whole world.”

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian primary school in al-Khalil

The Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday demolished a primary school in Simia area north of the southern West Bank town of al-Samou’ south of al-Khalil.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian facilities in O. Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Tuesday a number of Palestinian facilities in Beit Hanin Jabal Mukabber and Sur Barhir in occupied Jerusalem.

Israel demolished 19 Palestinian facilities in November

The Israeli Occupation Authority (IOA) continued over the past month its demolition and confiscation policy against Palestinians and their properties rights sources said.

Palestinian building demolished in O. J’lem

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Wednesday morning a Palestinian-owned building in occupied Jerusalem for being allegedly built without permit.

Israel demolishes Palestinian facility in Jericho

Israeli military bulldozers demolished on Tuesday a Palestinian-owned agricultural facility in Jiftlik village north of Jericho for being built without permit.