Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

IOF dismantles Palestinian structures in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday dismantled several structures belonging to a Palestinian citizen in the Jordan Valley east of the West Bank claiming they were unlicensed.

Report: Israel demolished 19 Palestinian structures last month

A Palestinian report said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) had demolished 19 Palestinian structures and notified citizens of its intents to raze 15 others in last October.

Sit-in in Shuweika suburb in solidarity with Na’alwa family

Scores of Palestinian citizens on Friday participated in a sit-in staged in Shuweika suburb north of Tulkarem in solidarity with the family of Ashraf Na’alwa whose home is threatened with demolition.

Israeli gov’t boasts about demolition of homes of slain Palestinians

The Israeli occupation forces have demolished dozens of homes belonging to the families of Palestinian anti-occupation attackers since 2015 Israel’s war ministry said on Wednesday.

Israeli army razes Palestinian homes near Yatta town

The Israeli occupation army on Wednesday demolished Palestinian homes near Yatta town south of al-Khalil in the West Bank.

Israel demolishes Palestinian structures in Jordan Valley

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Thursday a number of Palestinian structures and agricultural facilities in the Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley to the north of occupied West Bank.

Palestinian family goes homeless as Israeli forces demolish tent

The Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday demolished a Palestinian tent in Musafer Yatta in the southern West Bank.

Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian homes in J’lem and al-Khalil

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning demolished the house of a Palestinian family in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood south of the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem and displaced the residents.

Israeli army threatens to level roads to Khan al-Ahmar

The Israeli occupation army on Monday notified residents of Khan al-Ahmar village east Jerusalem of its intent to bulldoze and level dirt roads leading to their homes to make it easy for Israeli vehicles and bulldozers to come and carry out demolitions.

5000 Palestinian homes demolished by Israel in Jerusalem since 1967

Israeli occupation authorities have demolished some 5000 Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem since 1967 according to a new report by the Land Research Center (LRC).