Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

In Face of Forcible Displacement

Near the East and South of Khan al-Ahmar Bedouin village the Israeli settlements of Kfar Adumim and Maaleh Adumim are overwhelmingly expanding as part of Israeli attempts to purposely banish the entire Palestinian community.

Israeli bulldozers demolish two Palestinian houses in Beit Hanina

Israeli police demolished on Thursday morning two Palestinian-owned houses in Beit Hanina town in occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of being built without permit.

63 Structures in Jerusalem razed in 6 months

A report by Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights on Israeli demolition operations that targeted Palestinian facilities in Occupied Jerusalem during the first six months of 2018 revealed that 63 structures have been razed in the city.

Israeli bulldozers level Palestinian land near Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers on Tuesday leveled a Palestinian land east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel intends to raze Khan al-Ahmar hamlet within few days

The Israeli occupation army’s civil administration intends to flout injunctions recently issued by the high court of justice against the evacuation of the Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmar in east Jerusalem and demolish the hamlet in the next few days.

Clashes erupt after IOF razed school in al-Khalil

Clashes broke out on Wednesday between Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and the residents of Khalet al-Dabe neighborhood east of Yatta town in al-Khalil province in the southern West Bank

Israel to demolish houses car shop in Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers are set to demolish a number of Palestinian houses and a car shop in Shu'fat town north of Occupied Jerusalem.

New caravans set up for Khan al-Ahmar residents

Israeli police on Monday erected more caravans east of Occupied Jerusalem for the residents of Khan al-Ahmar village which is threatened with demolition.

Israel looks to expand demolitions of Palestinian attackers’ homes

Israeli media reported Sunday that Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit is considering a bill to expand the policy of demolishing homes of Palestinians involved in attacks against settlers and soldiers without exceptions.

Israeli bulldozers raze four homes in Umm al-Fahm city

Israeli bulldozers on Sunday morning demolished four houses under construction in Umm al-Fahm city in the Haifa district of Israel (the 1948 occupied lands) claiming they were unlicensed.