Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Clashes in Barta’a al-Sharqiya town amid Israeli intent to raze house

The West Bank town of Barta’a al-Sharqiya south of Jenin city has seen violent clashes between local young men and Israeli soldiers amid expectations of an Israeli intent to demolish the family home of prisoner Alaa Qabha.

IOF notifies demolition of Palestinian homes near Jericho

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday stormed al-Nuway'imah town north of Jericho and handed two Palestinian citizens orders to evacuate their houses in preparation for their demolition.

Israel demolishes 12 Palestinian facilities during May

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished over the past month 12 Palestinian-owned facilities and notified nine others throughout West Bank Palestinian report said.

B’Tselem: The demolition of Khan al-Ahmar community is a war crime

Israeli left-wing organization B’Tselem considered the Israeli Supreme Court’s ruling to demolish the Palestinian community of Khan al-Ahmar as a war crime for which all those involved in its execution will bear personal liability.

Bruqin homeowners to meet over intended Israeli demolitions

The municipality of Bruqin town west of Salfit in the West Bank has invited homeowners in Area C to attend a meeting to explore ways to confront the Israeli occupation authority’s intent to demolish homes in the area.

Education Ministry calls for saving al-Khan al-Ahmar school

Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education on Saturday called for protecting al-Khan al-Ahmar village and its only school in Jerusalem against demolition.

Israeli court authorizes demolition of al-Khan al-Ahmar

Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday ruled in favor of demolishing al-Khan al-Ahmar village and relocating its 35 Bedouin families to al-Eizariya town east of Jerusalem.

EU slams Israel’s demolition of structures in Masafer Yatta

The representative of the European Union (EU) and heads of its mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah have condemned Israel’s demolition of structures and appropriation of equipment funded by the EU in Masafer Yatta area of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli army razes agricultural facility in Duma town

The Israeli occupation army on Wednesday evening demolished a Palestinian agricultural facility in Duma town southeast of Nablus in the West Bank at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian facility

Israeli police forces stormed on Tuesday Issawiya town northeast of occupied Jerusalem accompanied with a number of bulldozers.