Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

IOF demolishes Palestinian house near Ramallah

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Tuesday demolished a Palestinian-owned house in Jibya village to the north of Ramallah in the West Bank for allegedly being built without Israeli permit.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian school in al-Khalil

Israeli forces demolished Monday night a primary school in Zanouta town to the south of al-Khalil just one month after it had been inaugurated by the Palestinian Education Ministry.

Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes on the rise

Israel demolished 420 Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem in 2017 according to OCHA.

Israel demolishes 9 Palestinian homes village over March

Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) demolished over the past month nine Palestinian homes and a whole village in addition to notifying dozens others with demolition and evacuation a report revealed.

Bedouin home demolitions double in 2017

The number of Arab facilities demolished last year in Bedouin communities nearly doubled over 2017 Haaretz newspaper reported.

Israeli authorities demolish new Palestinian facilities in Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday demolished a number of residential and commercial facilities in Occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of being unlicensed.

Israeli authorities demolish al-Araqeeb village for 125th time

Israeli bulldozers escorted by a large police force demolished al-Araqeeb village in the Negev on Wednesday for the 125th time.

Israel razes Palestinian home in al-Khalil city

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday night demolished a Palestinian home in al-Khalil city south of the occupied West Bank at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Israeli forces raze 2 structures in Occupied Jerusalem

Bulldozers of Israeli municipality of Occupied Jerusalem Tuesday demolished two shops in al-Issawiya an East Jerusalem neighborhood at the pretext of lacking construction permits.

IOF notifies demolition of 3 Palestinian houses

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Tuesday evening notified the demolition of three Palestinian houses in al-Walaja village west of Bethlehem.