Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Palestinian home in Negev reduced to rubble by Israeli authorities

The Israeli authorities on Wednesday demolished a Palestinian home in Negev south of territories occupied in 1948 (Israel).

Israel to demolish Abu al-Nawwar hamlet’s only school

The Israeli army’s civil administration last Tuesday December 12 delivered a demolition order against the only school in the Bedouin community of Abu al-Nawwar east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel to raze Palestinian school in Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli teams of the so-called civil administration on Wednesday raided Abu Nuwar Bedouin neighborhood east of Occupied Jerusalem and handed over a demolition notice against a school in the area.

Palestinian’s “sole livelihood” reduced to rubble by Israeli forces

The Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday a Palestinian building in Wad al-Humus south of Occupied Jerusalem.

Report: Israel demolished 9 facilities in Jerusalem during November

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished over the past month nine Palestinian residential and commercial facilities in occupied Jerusalem rights sources revealed.

Israeli bulldozers demolish structures northeast of Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers razed on Tuesday morning a number of Palestinian facilities under construction in Shufat refugee camp to the northeast of Occupied Jerusalem at the pretext of lacking construction permit.

Israel army reduces Palestinian house to rubble in Qabatiya

The Israeli occupation army at dawn Friday demolished a house belonging to the family of Palestinian prisoner Mohamed Abul-Rab in Qabatiya town south of Jenin in the West Bank as a punitive measure for its son’s killing of an Israeli settler last October.

Popular campaign launched in J’lem to rebuild house of martyr

A Palestinian popular campaign was launched on Tuesday in Occupied Jerusalem to rebuild the house of martyr Namer al-Jamal in Beit Surik town which was recently destroyed by the Israeli occupation authority.

IOA to carry out demolitions in Susya village

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) intends anew to carry out wide demolitions in Susya village south of al-Khalil at the pretext they are unlicensed.

Israel razes two Palestinian homes in Lod town

The Israeli authorities on Thursday demolished two Palestinian homes in Lod city in the central district of Israel (the 1948 occupied lands) at the pretext of unlicensed construction.