Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

IOF demolishes Palestinian facilities in Yatta

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday demolished two Palestinian facilities in Khirbet al-Halawa in Masafer Yatta area to the south of al-Khalil.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian house in Jordan Valley

A Palestinian house was demolished on Wednesday morning in Froush Beit Dajan in the Jordan Valley to the north of West Bank under the pretext of being built without Israeli permit.

Israeli authorities demolish two Palestinian houses in Negev

The Israeli authorities on Tuesday demolished two Palestinian houses in Beer Hadaj village in the Negev in the southern 1948 occupied Palestine under the pretext that they are unlicensed.

Israeli demolition orders against 4 Palestinian facilities in O. J’lem

Israeli authorities issued Monday morning demolition orders against four Palestinian-owned facilities in Kakr Aqeb town to the north of occupied Jerusalem.

IOA notifies demolition of 3 Palestinian facilities in Khalil

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Sunday notified the demolition of residential and agricultural structures in Masafer Yatta area to the south of al-Khalil.

Two European-funded W. Bank schools face destruction and seizure

Another two European-funded Palestinian schools in the occupied West Bank are threatened with demolition and seizure by the Israeli occupation authority.

Israel to delay demolition of Susya due to diplomatic pressure

Haaretz newspaper on Saturday reported that the Israeli authorities on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court for a two-week delay in announcing its position on Susya village despite the fact the Israel's war minister Avigdor Lieberman has declared that there will be no more delays in the demolition decision.

IOF razes 5 commercial facilities in Jenin

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished on Tuesday morning five commercial facilities in Barta al-Sharqiya town which is isolated behind the Israeli Separation Wall in Jenin province.

Lieberman plans to expand demolitions of Palestinian attackers’ homes

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper on Sunday reported that Israel's war minister Avigdor Lieberman is seeking to expand the scope of sanctions imposed on the Palestinians involved in anti-Israel attacks.

Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Occupied Jerusalem

The Israeli forces ordered the Palestinian citizen Anis No’man Gheith to demolish his own family home in Jerusalem’s town of Beit Hanina.