Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Two Palestinian homes demolished in Negev

The Israeli police forces stormed along with a number of military bulldozers Wadi al-Naam town in Negev on Tuesday and demolished two Bedouin homes before razing a nearby agricultural land.

Abu Asnainah’s home in Silwan razed anew

The Israeli municipal authority in Occupied Jerusalem demolished on Tuesday morning the house of Abu Asnainah family in Silwan district south of the Aqsa Mosque for the second consecutive time.

Israeli bulldozers demolish kindergarten in Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers on Monday morning demolished a kindergarten in Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli bulldozers knock down home under construction near Jenin

Israeli bulldozers on Monday morning demolished a Palestinian home under construction on the outer edges of Jenin’s southwestern town of Bartaa near 1948 Occupied Palestine (Israel).

Israeli occupation violates sanctity of dead bodies at J’lem cemetery

Israeli bulldozers attempted to demolish parts of al-Yousfiya Cemetery adjacent to Jerusalem’s historical wall.

IOF demolishes two industrial facilities in Jenin

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday demolished two coal-production facilities and seized several tons of wood in Ya'bad town to the southwest of Jenin local sources reported.

Israel razes house belonging to family of Halamish attacker

The Israeli occupation army at dawn Wednesday demolished the house of a Palestinian family in Kobar village northwest of Ramallah as a punitive measure after their relative Omar al-Abed carried out a deadly stabbing attack last month in Halamish settlement.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian building in O. J’lem

Israeli municipal authorities on Tuesday morning demolished a residential building in the occupied Jerusalem town of Issawiya under the pretext of being built without permit.

IOF demolishes Palestinian facilities in Yatta

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished Monday afternoon a number of Palestinian facilities south of Yatta town in the southern West Bank province of al-Khalil.

Locals stop Israeli demolitions in Bethlehem town

Local residents in Walaja town south of Bethlehem managed Thursday morning to stop Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) from demolishing the exterior wall of a house and from bulldozing a nearby agricultural land.