Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli authorities demolish Araqeeb village for the 113th time

The Israeli authorities' bulldozers demolished on Wednesday morning al-Araqeeb village in the Negev for the 113th time.

Israeli army razes homes structures in Jiftlik village

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday morning demolished Palestinian crude homes and animal shelters in the Bedouin village of Jiftlik in the central Jordan Valley.

IOF raids Hamed’s house takes its measurements

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Thursday afternoon the house of Malek Hamed who earlier today carried out a car-ramming attack on Israeli soldiers before being shot and arrested by Israeli soldiers.

IOA threatens demolition of 3 Palestinian prisoners’ houses

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) issued demolition notices on Wednesday against houses of Palestinian prisoners in Ramallah and al-Bireh twin cities north of occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of building without permit.

Israeli authorities knock down Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Tuesday morning knocked down Palestinian homes in al-Za’im village in eastern Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli Knesset okays bill to speed up demolition of Palestinian homes

The Israeli Knesset plenum passed on Sunday evening the second and third readings of a bill pushing for speeding up the demolition of Palestinian homes.

IOF demolishes Palestinian facilities in Bethlehem

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stormed Wednesday morning Khalayl al-Louz area east of Bethlehem to the south of West Bank.

Israel razes two Palestinian homes in Jabel Mukaber

The Israeli municipal authority in Occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday morning demolished two Palestinian homes in Jabel Mukaber district at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian house under construction

Israeli bulldozers demolished Tuesday morning a Palestinian house under construction in Issawiya town northeast of occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of being built without permit.

Knesset to vote on bill to expedite demolitions in 1948 Palestine

The Israeli Knesset intends to ratify the amendment 109 of the Planning and Construction Law next week which aims to accelerate and intensify demolition operations in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.