Thu 19-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli authorities raze two Bedouin homes in Negev towns

The Israeli authority on Wednesday demolished two Palestinian homes in impoverished towns in the Negev desert and displaced their residents at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

BDS48 calls for boycotting Hyundai Heavy Industries

The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Committee of Palestinian Citizens of Israel (BDS48) called Wednesday for boycotting Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) “until it ends its involvement in Israel’s violations of human rights particularly in Jerusalem and the Negev.”

Israeli bulldozers raze Palestinian home to ground in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation bulldozers on Wednesday morning knocked down a Palestinian home under construction in Beit Hanina town in northern Occupied Jerusalem.

IOA demolishes 13 Palestinian facilities in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) demolished on Tuesday a number of Palestinian facilities in the northern Jordan Valley near Tubas city.

Israeli demolition orders issued in Jordan Valley

The Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) issued Thursday demolition orders against Palestinian-owned facilities in the Jordan Valley under the pretext of being built without permit.

IOF distributes demolition orders in Jordan Valley and Bethlehem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) detained a child and handed a demolition order for a building in al-Khader village in Bethlehem province on Tuesday. The IOF also distributed stop-construction orders of Palestinian buildings north of Jordan Valley under the pretext of building without permit.

Israeli gov’t seeks legal cover for demolition of Palestinian homes

A government-sponsored bill is being currently discussed by a Knesset committee in an attempt to tighten grip on Palestinians building in the Green Line (1948 Occupied Palestine) Haaretz reported Monday.

Israel to tighten penalties against “unauthorized” Palestinian homes

Israeli authorities declared intention to tighten penalties against Palestinian owners of “unauthorized” homes Haaretz Hebrew newspaper reported on Monday.

Israeli police forces break into Umm al-Hiran

Israeli police forces broke into the unrecognized Palestinian village in the Negev Umm al-Hiran on Sunday and besieged newly erected caravans in a prelude to confiscating them.

Campaign to rebuild Umm al-Hiran homes demolished by Israeli forces

Palestinians living in 1948 Occupied Palestine started the reconstruction of the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village days after the Israeli forces knocked down the village and killed a Palestinian resident.