Thu 19-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli municipality demolishes Jerusalemite-owned facilities

Israeli police stormed Wednesday morning Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem accompanied with military bulldozers and started demolishing Palestinian-owned facilities.

Israeli army to raze agricultural structure in Hizma town

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday handed a Palestinian farmer a demolition notice issued against his agricultural structure in Hizma town northeast of Occupied Jerusalem.

Hundreds participate in Abu al-Qiaan funeral in Umm al-Hiran

Hundreds of Palestinian citizens in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories attended on Tuesday the funeral of Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan 47 in Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev.

Israeli forces knock down 6 Palestinian structures in eastern Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) late on Monday evening knocked down two Palestinian homes and four pens for raising livestock in Kerzliyeh hamlet to the east of Nablus’s southeastern town of Akraba.

IOF demolishes Palestinian facilities in Jordan Valley

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished on Monday a number of Palestinian-owned agricultural facilities in the Jordan Valley to the north of Jericho for being allegedly built without permit.

Rally outside Knesset over Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes

Hundreds of Palestinians residing in 1948 Occupied Palestine (Green Line) rallied Monday outside the Knesset in Occupied Jerusalem in protest at Israel’s unabated demolition policy.

IOA hands evacuation notices confiscates building materials

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) handed on Monday notices to evacuate 15 dunums in al-Khader town to the south of Bethlehem city.

Israeli stop-building and demolition orders in Tulkarem O. J’lem

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) issued Sunday evening stop-building orders against five Palestinian-owned houses in Tulkarem north of West Bank.

Large march to be organized within the Green Line

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee called for mass participation in the large march to be held Saturday in Arara village southwest of the Triangle in protest against Israel’s demolition policy.

Israeli journalist fired for criticising Bedouin village demolition

Israeli Army radio fired a journalist for a Facebook post criticizing the Israeli demolition of Um al-Hiran village in Negev on Wednesday.