Thu 19-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in the Negev

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Monday a Palestinian house in the Negev to the south of 1948 occupied Palestine under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

5 families go homeless as IOA knocks down Jerusalem homes

Five Palestinian homes were knocked down by the Israeli occupation's bulldozers in East Jerusalem on Monday morning.

IOF demolishes more Palestinian facilities in Ramallah

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished on Thursday morning a number of Palestinian facilities near Laban village to the west of Ramallah local sources revealed.

1023 Palestinian facilities demolished during 2016

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished 1023 Palestinian facilities in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem during 2016 a Palestinian rights group said on Wednesday.

Palestinian structures knocked down by IOA bulldozers in O. Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) bulldozers at dawn Wednesday knocked down Palestinian structures in Silwan town to the southeast of Occupied Jerusalem.

IOA notifies 20 Palestinian facilities in al-Khalil with demolition

The Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) issued Monday morning demolition orders against 20 Palestinian-owned facilities in Yatta town south of al-Khalil for allegedly being built without permit.

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 107th time

The Israeli authorities on Thursday demolished al-Araqib village in the Negev desert for the 107th consecutive time.

Palestinian house demolished in occupied Jerusalem

Israeli military bulldozers demolished at dawn Wednesday a Palestinian house in Silwan town southeast of occupied Jerusalem for being allegedly built without permit.

Netanyahu renews threat to raze Palestinian homes

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has renewed his threat to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem the Negev Wadi Ara the Galilee and the center of the country in solidarity with Jewish settlers who will be forced to evacuate the illegal outpost of Amona soon.

Israel to demolish slain Jerusalemite’s house within 48 hours

Israeli occupation authorities gave the family of Misbah Abu Sbeih who was killed by Israeli forces in October following an alleged shooting attack in occupied Jerusalem 48 hours to evacuate their house before being demolished.