Mon 16-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli bulldozers knock down 2 Palestinian structures in Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers at dawn Monday razed two civilian structures in eastern Occupied Jerusalem to the ground.

Israeli evacuation orders against 8 Palestinian facilities in Negev

The Israeli authorities issued late Sunday evacuation orders against eight Palestinian-owned facilities in Umm al-Hairan village in Negev.

Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house

The Israeli occupation authorities forced Saturday morning a Jerusalemite citizen to demolish his own house under the pretext of being built without permit.

Israeli bulldozers demolish parts of Palestinian home

Israeli military bulldozers demolished at dawn Tuesday parts of a Palestinian home east of occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of being built without Israeli permit.

Amnesty calls on Israel to stop Umm al-Hairan demolition

Amnesty International called on the Israeli authorities to cancel its decision to demolish Atir-Umm al-Hiran condemning the Israeli demolition policy.

3 Palestinian buildings demolished in Lod

Israeli forces demolished early Wednesday three buildings belonging to a Palestinian family in the city of Lod within the Green Line under the pretext of being built without permit.

Israeli bulldozers knock down Palestinian home under construction

The Israeli occupation bulldozers on Tuesday morning knocked down a Palestinian home under construction in Jerusalem’s eastern village of al-Tour.

Israel to raze Umm al-Hairan village in Negev

The Israeli authorities intends on Tuesday morning to demolish the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hairan and displace its residents.

Israel razes Palestinian home in Hurfeish town

The Israeli authorities on Sunday demolished a Palestinian house in the Druze town of Hurfeish in the Upper Galilee north of Israel at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Umm al-Hiran natives on guard to Israeli ethnic cleansing scheme

Palestinians living in the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village in Negev sounded cries for help over Israeli attempts to knock down their own and only homes.