Mon 16-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israeli Municipality demands immediate demolition of Palestinian homes

The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality filed a court appeal to immediately implement demolition orders of Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem’s Beit Hanina neighborhood.

Barkat threatens demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat threatened Wednesday to demolish thousands of Palestinian homes in East Occupied Jerusalem if the illegal West Bank outpost of Amona is evacuated Haaretz reported.

Israeli bulldozers knock down foundations of Sour Baher Mosque

The Israeli occupation municipality's bulldozers at noontime Tuesday knocked down the foundations of the al-Mintar Mosque in Sour Baher town to the southeast of Occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Palestinian homes demolished south of al-Khalil

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished Tuesday morning a number of Palestinian-owned homes in Umm al-Kheir hamlet south of al-Khalil.

Jerusalemite agricultural commercial facilities demolished

Israeli military bulldozers on Tuesday morning demolished agricultural and commercial structures in Silwan town and Jabal al-Mukabbir neighborhood.

2 Jerusalemites forced to demolish their shops

The Israeli police forces forced Monday two Jerusalemite residents of the Beit Hanina neighborhood to demolish their own stores upon orders by Israel’s Jerusalem municipality.

5 Palestinian injured by Israeli gunfire in Jordan Valley

At least five Palestinians suffered teargas bombs after Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) suppressed a peaceful march in Auja town in Jordan Valley.

Palestinian researcher’s house threatened with demolition

The Israeli police forces notified Saturday morning the Jerusalemite researcher Dr. Jamal Amr that his house in Silwan town east of occupied Jerusalem would be demolished.

Israeli army knocks down Palestinian stalls

The Israeli occupation army overnight Tuesday knocked down Palestinian barracks and commercial stalls on the access road to the Israel-run al-Tiba roadblock in western Jenin province.

IOA knocks down residential apartment in al-Tour

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Tuesday afternoon knocked down a Palestinian residential apartment under construction in al-Tour neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.