Sun 8-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israel threatens to demolish thousands of homes in O. J’lem

Israeli Mayor of occupied Jerusalem Nir Barkat threatened Monday to demolish thousands of Jerusalemite homes in case any of the West Bank settlements was evacuated.

Channel 2: Israel’s home demolition policy proved failure

The Israeli government’s home demolition policy as a punitive measure has proved ineffective in preventing Palestinian attacks against Israelis according to a recent report televised by the second TV Hebrew channel.

OCHA: Israeli demolition policy increased by 150% compared to 2015

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA revealed in its weekly report covering the period between 18 - 31 October 2016 that Israel’s demolition policy has increased by 150% compared to 2015.

IOF notifies owner of agricultural facility with demolition

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) notified Saturday afternoon owner of an agricultural facility with demolition west of Qalqilia to the north of the West Bank.

4500 Jerusalemite houses threatened with demolition in Silwan

Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) continued their Judaization and settlement construction policies in Silwan town south of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

IOF notifies Palestinian facilities south of Nablus with demolition

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) notified Thursday a number of Palestinian agricultural facilities with demolition in Qasra town south of Nablus.

IOF demolishes Araqib village for the 105th time

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning demolished the Bedouin village of Araqib in Negev for the 105th time.

Israeli authorities raze residential building in Beit Hanina

Israeli bulldozers at dawn Wednesday demolished an apartment building belonging to a Palestinian family in Beit Hanina north of Occupied Jerusalem without prior notice.

Report: Israel stepped up settlement expansion and demolition policy

Israel’s settlement expansion and destruction of Palestinian homes have escalated during the current year according to the National Bureau for Defending the Land and Resisting Settlement.

Israel demolishes 780 Palestinian homes in Area C

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished 780 Palestinian-owned homes in Area C since the beginning of 2016 leaving 1129 Palestinians homeless Haaretz Hebrew newspaper reported.