Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Clashes with IOF in W. Bank settler violations in al-Khalil

Violent clashes reportedly happened on Wednesday between Palestinian young men and the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in different West Bank areas.

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 215th time

The Israeli authorities demolished on Monday morning all the tents and structures in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Araqib in the Negev desert for the 215th consecutive time displacing its Bedouin residents.

IOF to demolish Palestinian martyr’s family house

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) ordered the demolition of the family home of the martyr Moataz Al-Khawaja in Ni'lin village west of Ramallah.

Palestinian home demolished young man injured north of Jericho

Israeli bulldozers on Thursday demolished a Palestinian house to the north of the West Bank city of Jericho.

Israeli army intends to raze home of prisoner Osama Tawil in Nablus

The Israeli occupation army notified on Tuesday the family of Palestinian prisoner Osama at-Tawil 22 of its intent to demolish his family home in Nablus soon.

Israel demolishes four Palestinian structures in Jerusalem Salfit

Israeli occupation police on Tuesday demolished three tin structures in Eastern Jerusalem under the pretext of building without construction permit.

IOF delivers demolition order against mosque in Masafer Yatta

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) delivered on Tuesday morning a demolition order against a mosque in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil.

IOF tightens measures in Nablus threatens to raze Mosque in al-Khalil

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued on Monday to impose movement restrictions around Nablus while on the same day they delivered a demolition notice against a Mosque in al-Khalil.

Hundreds of Jerusalemites threatened with forcible expulsion

Hundreds of Palestinian citizens in Occupied Jerusalem are at risk of forcible expulsion due to the continued Israeli settlement expansion plans in the Batan al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan town south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli court rejects appeal against demolition of W. Bank school

An Israeli court rejected on Friday an appeal against the demolition of a European Union (EU)-funded school in Jub ad-Dib community near Beit Ta’mir village east of Bethlehem.

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