Fri 20-September-2024

Demolition policy

Jerusalemites plan general strike to protest Israeli demolition policy

Youth movement and Palestinian families in Occupied Jerusalem have called on Palestinian citizens to go on a general strike in protest at the Israeli home demolition policy.

Israeli bulldozers raze facility wall in east J’lem

A large number of Israeli police forces escorting bulldozers stormed on Monday morning different neighborhoods of east Jerusalem to carry out demolitions as part of a plan announced recently by the Israeli government to raze several Palestinian homes in the occupied holy city.

At behest of Ben Gvir IOA to raze multiple homes in J’lem

At the behest of far-right security minister Itamar Ben Gvir the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in Jerusalem started on Sunday to carry out a plan aimed at demolishing 14 Palestinian homes in the holy city.

Hamas: Israeli policy of home demolition will not grant it legitimacy

The Hamas Movement has stressed that the Israeli demolition policy practiced against Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem will not grant Israel or its Jewish settlers security or legitimacy.

IOA displaces Palestinian family after razing its home in J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) displaced on Sunday morning a Palestinian family after demolishing its house in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Israeli police seal off house of martyr Khairy Alqam in J’lem

The Israeli occupation police sealed off at dawn Sunday a Palestinian house in at-Tur neighborhood east of the Old City of Jerusalem belonging to the family of martyr Khairy Alqam as a prelude to demolishing it.

Palestinians perform Friday prayer in Khan al-Ahmar village

Palestinian citizens performed Friday prayer in Khan al-Ahmar village east of Occupied Jerusalem in solidarity with the families of the village who are subjected to the Israeli forcible displacement plans.

Israeli police storm Shuafat camp to raze home of martyr Tamimi

Israeli demolition crews escorted by a large number of police forces stormed on Wednesday morning Shuafat refugee camp in Occupied Jerusalem and started to knock down the house of martyr Uday at-Tamimi.

Hamas: Israel’s intent to raze Bustan area reflects its fascism

The Hamas Movement has said that the Israeli intent to demolish al-Bustan neighborhood in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan is further evidence of the Israeli occupation government’s fascism.

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 212th time

The Israeli authorities demolished on Tuesday morning all the tents and structures in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Araqib in the Negev desert for the 212th consecutive time displacing its Bedouin residents.

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