Sat 21-September-2024

Demolition policy

Israel displaces two Jerusalemite families after razing their homes

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday afternoon displaced two Palestinian families after demolishing their apartments in the east Jerusalem town of at-Tur and assaulted them along with journalists and supporters.

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 197th time

The Israeli authorities demolished on Tuesday morning all the tents and structures in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Araqib in the Negev desert for the 197th consecutive time displacing its Bedouin residents.

IOA threatens the demolition of two schools

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) threatened the demolition of two schools in Bethlehem on Sunday at the pretext of being built without “legal basis”.

Hundreds protest in London against home demolitions in Sheikh Jarrah

A group of pro-Palestine organizations in the UK organized a vigil outside the Israeli embassy in London against the Israeli forced eviction of Palestinian inhabitants of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.

US Congresswoman calls for an end to Palestinian house demolition

US Congresswoman Mary Newman called on the Israeli authorities in a tweet on Saturday to stop Palestinian house demolition in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.

Jordan Egypt denounce Israeli demolition of homes in O. Jerusalem

Head of the Lower House's Foreign Affairs Committee in Jordan Khaldoun Hina condemned on Thursday the recent Israeli violations in Occupied Jerusalem mainly the demolition of two Palestinian homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Jewish settlers bulldoze land to expand outpost in Nablus

Jewish settlers from the illegal outpost of Ahiya on Thursday morning started to bulldoze swaths of land in southern Nablus near Jalud town in southern Nablus.

Hamas: Razing Salhia’s house a war on the presence of Jerusalemites

Hamas Movement said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the "occupation's eviction and demolition of the Salhia family house in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the arrest of the citizens and the supporters is a crime and a dangerous escalation of the occupation’s ongoing brutal war against the city of Jerusalem and its people."

IOA displaces two Palestinian families in W. Bank and J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Wednesday demolished two Palestinian homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

IOA razes house displaces its residents in Sheikh Jarrah

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) at dawn Wednesday demolished a Palestinian house in the east Jerusalem district of Sheikh Jarrah after police forces stormed it and forcibly removed its residents and many supporters.

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