Mon 16-September-2024

Detained martyrs

PPS: IOA retains bodies of 12 Palestinian prisoners

The Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) has accused the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) of continuing to hold on to bodies of 12 Palestinian prisoners who died in its jails.

Family committee to stage more sit-ins to demand release of martyrs

The family committee of the withheld martyrs has called for organizing more sit-ins to demand the release of Palestinian martyrs whose bodies is being held by the Israeli occupation state.

Israel refuses to hand over body of martyr Abu Hamid

Israeli war minister Benny Gantz has decided not to return to the Palestinians the body of martyr Nasser Abu Hamid the prisoner who died of cancer on Tuesday at Assaf Harofeh Hospital after his exposure to long months of medical neglect.

IOA hands over bodies of two Palestinian martyrs

After holding them for about 70 days the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) handed over the bodies of two Palestinian martyrs Khaled Anbar and Salam Sharay’ah to their families on Friday evening.

Sit-ins in W. Bank to demand release of martyrs’ bodies

A number of Palestinian families rallied on Tuesday in the West Bank to demand the Red Cross to pressure the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) to release the bodies of their slain relatives which are detained in Israeli morgues or buried in unknown graves.

Detention of Palestinian bodies Israeli blackmail

With tearful faces the family of the slain Palestinian mother Mai Afaneh received her body reopening unsealed wounds after the Israeli occupation authorities held her body hostage for fourteen months after killing her.

Autopsy report: Shaham died from point-blank gunshot wounds

An official autopsy report has affirmed that Palestinian martyr Mohamed Shaham 21 died from bullets fired point-blank and deliberately by Israeli soldiers at his body on August 15 during a raid on his home in Kafr Aqab refugee camp.

Israel refuses to hand over body of Sa’di al-Gharabli

Israeli occupation authorities have refused to hand over the body of Palestinian martyr Sa’di al-Gharabli 75 who died in Israeli jail to his family in Gaza.

Hundreds bid farewell to Sami Abu Diyak in Jordan

Hundreds of Jordanians took part in the funeral of Sami Abu Diyak a Palestinian-Jordanian political prisoner who died in Israeli jails ten days ago on Sunday in Amman City.

Israel hands over Sami Abu Diyak’s body

The Israeli occupation authorities on Friday handed over the body of the Palestinian detainee Sami Abu Diyak to Jordan according to the Palestinian Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission.