Tue 2-July-2024

Displaced families

Euro-Med calls for saving Palestinians inside besieged UNRWA school

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has called for urgent international action to save the lives of thousands of displaced Palestinians who have been under siege for several days inside a school in Beit Lahia town in the northern Gaza Strip.

IOF forcibly displaces 20 families east of Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) forcibly displaced 20 Palestinian families in Khirbet Tana east of Nablus after demolishing their homes on Thursday morning.

OCHA: 84 Palestinians displaced from Masafer Yatta in three months

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Israeli authorities displaced 13 Palestinian families comprising 84 people including 44 children from Masafer Yatta since early July 2023.

Six Palestinian families expelled from their homes east of Ramallah

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Sunday forcibly expelled six Palestinian families from their homes to the east of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Gaza: Israeli aggression displaced 459 families

The last Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip displaced 459 Palestinian families composed of 2515 people according to the Ministry of Social Development.

IOA razes homes structures in Arab al-Ka’abneh hamlet

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) demolished on Monday several structures used as homes and for agricultural purposes in the Bedouin hamlet of Arab al-Ka’abneh in the northeast of Jerusalem.

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after forcing it to raze home

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Sunday morning displaced a Palestinian family after forcing it to demolish its own house in the east Jerusalem town of Beit Hanina.

Dozens of Jerusalemite families face Israeli eviction order

The Israeli Supreme Court on Thursday denied a Jerusalemite family’s appeal against their eviction and refused to hear a case on the ownership of the building Haaretz Hebrew newspaper reported.

EU delegation visits Jerusalemite family threatened with eviction

Representatives of the European Union (EU) visited on Friday a Palestinian family threatened with eviction in occupied Jerusalem in favor of Jewish settlement societies.

Israeli army displaces families from homes for military drills

The Israeli occupation army on Friday night ordered the Bedouin residents of a-Ras al-Ahmar hamlet east of Tammun town in Nablus to evacuate their homes in order for its forces to conduct military drills in the coming days.