Fri 11-October-2024

Displacement policy

Israeli court evicts Jerusalemite families from their own homes

An Israeli court on Wednesday ordered the eviction of Palestinian families from a building in Silwan district’s Batan al-Hawa neighborhood east of Occupied Jerusalem at the pretext that it belonged to Jews in the past.

Israeli court orders eviction of Jerusalemite families in Silwan

An Israeli court on Sunday issued a ruling in favor of the Ateret Cohanim settler group and ordered the eviction of five Palestinian families from their own homes in Silwan district east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Hemaya Center calls for int’l action against eviction of J’lem family

Hemaya Center for Human Rights has denounced the decision taken by an Israeli court to evict Palestinian citizens from the apartment building of al-Rajbi family in Silwan district east Jerusalem describing the step as “invalid illegal and against international law.”

Israeli army to raze four homes displace families in east of Yatta

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday notified Palestinian citizens in the east of Yatta town south of al-Khalil of its intent to demolish their homes.

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after forcing it to raze home

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday forced a Jerusalemite family to demolish its own home in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in the east of the holy city at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

IOA razes Palestinian house in J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Wednesday morning demolished a Palestinian house in Silwan district east of Jerusalem.

IOF wreaks havoc on Tana hamlet in eastern Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) went on the rampage through Tana hamlet in the east of Nablus destroying homes trees and agricultural structures.

Israeli municipality displaces Palestinian family in J’lem

The Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday displaced a Palestinian family in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood southeast of the holy city after forcing them to dismantle their wooden house at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

IOF displaces families in Masafer Yatta

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday removed four tents in the Bedouin area of Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil and displaced families.

Hamas warns of mass displacement plan targeting Negev people

The Hamas Movement’s refugee affairs office has warned of a new Israeli displacement plan that will target 36000 Palestinians in the Negev desert south of Israel (the 1948 occupied lands).