Tue 2-July-2024

Egyptian army

Israel’s burning alive of Egyptian soldiers proves its immorality

Prominent Israeli journalist Yossi Melman revealed last Friday details of an Israeli army war crime committed during the Six-Day War in 1967 when Israel occupied the Palestinian West Bank Gaza Strip the Syrian Golan Heights and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

Hamas condemns “terrorist attack” on the Egyptian army

The Islamic resistance movement Hamas condemned the "terrorist attack" targeting the Egyptian army east of the Suez Canal which killed and wounded a number of soldiers and officers.

Fishermen on strike in Gaza in solidarity with killed fishermen

Fishermen in Gaza Strip went on strike on Sunday in protest at the Egyptian shooting of three Palestinian fishermen who went few meters into Egyptian territorial waters at dawn Friday.

Two Palestinians killed in Gaza-Egypt tunnel

Two Palestinians died late Sunday after inhaling poisonous gas inside a tunnel along the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

Thousands bid last farewell to Gaza fisherman killed by Egyptian army

Hundreds of Palestinians marched on Thursday in the funeral procession of Palestinian fishermen Mustafa Abu Odeh who was killed by the Egyptian army off Rafah’s seashore south of the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Gaza: Interior ministry asks Egypt to probe shooting incident

The Palestinian interior ministry has called on the Egyptian authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the killing of a Palestinian fisherman and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Hamas condemns killing Gazan fisherman by Egyptian army

Hamas Movement slammed the Egyptian forces for killing the Gazan fisherman Abdullah Zeidan 32 at dawn Saturday.

Hamas condemns attacking Egyptian soldiers in Sinai

Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas condemned on Monday the terrorist attack against Egyptian soldiers in Sinai that led to the death and injury of many soldiers.

Egypt extends buffer zone along Gaza border

The Egyptian authorities declared Friday evening intention to extend the buffer zone along the Gaza border to cover 1500 meters.

Egyptian army starts third phase of buffer zone plan on Gaza borders

North Sinai Governor Abdel Fattah Harhour announced Thursday that the third phase of the buffer zone plan along the border areas with Gaza Strip has started.