Thu 19-September-2024

Families of martyrs

Palestinians in Gaza demand releasing martyrs’ detained bodies

Dozens of Palestinian citizens on Monday rallied in Gaza to demand the release of the detained bodies of Palestinian martyrs.

Family committee to stage more sit-ins to demand release of martyrs

The family committee of the withheld martyrs has called for organizing more sit-ins to demand the release of Palestinian martyrs whose bodies is being held by the Israeli occupation state.

Shin Bet detains father of martyr Arkan Tha’er

The Shin Bet Israel’s internal intelligence on Friday arrested the father of Palestinian martyr Arkan Muzher from Bethlehem after summoning him for interrogation.

Doudin condemns salary deduction of families of prisoners martyrs

Mousa Doudin member of Hamas’s Political Bureau and the official in charge of martyrs and prisoners file said that the Israeli deduction of the wages allocated for the families of Palestinian martyrs and detainees out of the tax revenues proves the savageness and sadism of the Israeli occupation.

Bahar phones family of martyr Jarrar hails his heroism

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has phoned the family of martyr Ahmed Naser Jarrar who was killed by Israeli soldiers on Tuesday morning and hailed his bravery and fortitude.

Families call for pressuring Israel to release relatives’ bodies

The Palestinian families of detained martyrs on Saturday called for pooling all the efforts to pressure the Israeli occupation authority to release their relatives’ bodies.

Israeli courts extend detention of journalist Qiq and martyr’s father

Israeli courts on Thursday extended the detention of prisoners Mohamed al-Qiq a journalist and Shafiq al-Halabi a martyr’s father for five days at the pretext of pending further investigations.

Father of martyr expelled from Old City

The Israeli occupation authorities released on Friday Abdulsalam Abu Ghazaleh father of the martyr Thaer Abu Ghazaleh after he was accused of "incitement" but ordered his expulsion from occupied Jerusalem.

Appeals to grant martyrs’ families their financial rights

A senior official at the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) on Saturday asked the Palestinian Authority leadership PLO executive committee and the PA Council of Ministers to support and aid the families of martyrs and wounded.

Bethlehem: Citizens protest Israel’s detention of killed relatives

Dozens of Bethlehem University students and families of martyrs participated on Monday in a sit-in staged in the city to demand the Israeli authorities to release the detained bodies of martyrs.